
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

two cars broken into on the unit block of V Street NW

See this 7/31/2012 message:

Please advise the neighbors on unit block of V Street NW that I discovered that my car had been broken into last night. I am not sure how they got into the locked car since no windows were broken. They only stole the spare change in the covered ash tray and a change purse with about 50 pennies that was located in my glove compartment. Everything from the glove compartment was spread out on the driver and passenger seats and the overhead light was still on. The robbery happened sometime between midnight and 5:00 am this morning. Additionally, the car in front of my car was also targeted, resulting in a couple of credit cards and a digital camera stolen from the glove compartment. Both cars were locked and alarmed, however, the thief was able to gain access to the cars.


Unit Block V Street NW Neighbor

1 comment:

  1. That has happened to me twice over the last couple months and also to some of my neighbors. Chances are your car was not locked. I forgot to lock my car on both of those occasions as well as my neighbor when he was robbed. I lost all of my 4 pairs of sunglasses. We need to do a better job of looking out for these "door pullers" and reporting them.
