
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Bloomingdale resident Nathan Robinson and his Roof Beams band releasing their new record at DC9 this Thursday, 08-16-2012

Bloomingdale resident Nathan Robinson and his band Roof Beams are releasing their new record, Poison Arrows. at a show at DC9 this Thursday, August 16. DC9 is at 1940 9th St. NW, Washington, DC, and the show starts at 8:30pm. More info about the show can be found on DC9's website.
Poison Arrows was recorded partially in Washington, DC and was influenced thematically by the past two and a half years that Nathan has lived in Bloomingdale with his family. It was recently released on iTunes, Amazon MP3, etc., but this Thursday will be the first time it is available on CD.
Please come and support a local Bloomingdale musician at a nearby venue on Thursday night!

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