
Saturday, August 04, 2012

Coalition for Smarter Growth organizes McMillan site tour – Saturday, 08-25-2012

One of yesterday's Greater Greater Washington blog posts mentions Bloomingdale`s McMillan Sand Filtration site:
by David Alpert August 3, 2012 12:07 pm
Here is the paragraph about McMillan:
Learn about McMillan: One of DC`s biggest development proposals, and controversies, involves the McMillan San Filtration Site by North Capitol and Michigan Avenue. The architect, developer, and ANC Commissioner and the Coalition for Smarter Growth will show you the site and the plans on Saturday, August 25, from 10 am to noon. Meet at First and Channing, NW, accessible by the H3/H4 and 80 buses. RSVP here .
So it looks like the Coalition for Smarter Growth is hosting a McMillan tour on Saturday, August 25th with architect Matt Bell, developer Aakash Thakkar, ANC 5C04 Commissioner Mark Mueller and Cheryl Cort, Policy Director, Coalition for Smarter Growth. 
I recall that Cheryl Cort provided testimony at the recent DC Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB) in * support * of the proposed development, so I don`t anticipate the pro-park people promoting this McMillan site tour too much.
Also from the Coalition for Smarter Growth event announcement:  "This event is a part of Pro-DC. Pro-DC is a project of the Coalition for Smarter Growth and Greater Greater Washington to organize residents to support positive change in DC. Pro-DC advocates for an inclusive, growing city that offers transportation and housing choices for residents of all income levels, leading to a higher quality of life for everyone."


  1. Interesting.

    If you read the fine print, it says- "touring the perimeter", so it doesn't sound like the full McMillan site is open for tours again.

    There were trucks, men, and a roll off dumpster in there last week.

  2. People are asking me about this tour. Although I'm happy to have been asked to pop by the tour, I'm not involved with organizing it; don't really know much about it. I said I would probably pop over since it is close to home and was told that the tour would be confirmed sometime next week. I can't promise I will be there through the whole time, but will make sure I get there. I need to read up on the Coalition for Smarter Growth's mission. Like I said, I am very appreciative for being asked to attend. I hope everyone pushes for smart growth that is not merely arithmetic but more calculus.

  3. McMillan is an option for pumping excess water from Bloomingdale when it rains -- DC Water manager George Hawkins said this at the Aug. 4 neighborhood meeting. Thought others would like to know this.
