
Thursday, August 30, 2012

help solicited in finding tire-slashing vandals

I`m requesting assistance from our neighbors to identify and locate a male and female who I believe live in the neighborhood.
Over the past 5 days these individuals have made threats against my family.
During this time our planters have been broken twice and this morning all four of the tires on my SUV were slashed. It would have happened between midnight and 8 am this morning. My car is a Black 2009 Lexus RX350 and was parked in front of 2012 1st Street NW across the street from the Micro Market. 
The issue is ownership of stray cat.
He came running into our home on July 3rd. We posted the cat`s picture on the blog   with Scott`s assistance and put signs up in the neighborhood with no response. After a few days we noticed the cat was having problems breathing and took him to the vet. It turned out he had a serious viral infection, worms and under weight. We had him treated and made sure he had all his immunizations, neuter, the works. Our concern is that the cat who we`ve named Oliver has a good home but we can`t seem to come to terms with the individuals who saw the cat in our window and are claiming him as their own but have no vet records or any proof of ownership.
We have filled several police reports regarding the threats and property damage to include the vandalism this morning. If anyone can help us identify these people it would very much help us work with the police to get some sort of resolution.


  1. I'm so glad this cat found you. I think I might have met this cat a while ago and I'm glad such a sweetie was smart enough to look elsewhere for a good home. It is very disheartening to hear you are being threatened by your very own neighbors, though. I hope they stop immediately. Violent people like that should not be allowed to have any animals. I wish I knew who they were so I could help. Best of luck.

  2. Do you have a description of these two?

    1. We really appreciate all the support from the community and MPD in particular Officer Sandula who has been a tremendous support through the very trying time.

      Female 5'6" 190-210 lbs dark brown skin. Short black hair 30-35 yrs old. Male late 20's early 30's unkempt dread locks shoulder length, 5'6 130 lbs scraggly beard and acne dented dark brown skin. We believe they are fairly new to the neighborhood and live on W street somewhere between 4th and 1st street. I know the women has several younger girls between elementary and middle school.

  3. You should call Humane Law Enforcement about the cat. Their job is to get innocent animals away from abusive owners. 202.723.5730.

  4. Thank you for looking after the cat. You are good people in my book. As Mona asked, a description of the folks harassing you would be helpful.

  5. Neighbors I'm sad to report that the vandals struck again last night. All four tires slashed again. Called the police about an hour ago still waiting for someone to come so I can file a report. We think the individuals may live at 118 W NW.
