
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Marc Morgan: Capital Bikeshare possibly coming to the Park at LeDroit

See this message from Marc Morgan, President, LeDroit Park Civic Association:

Good News LeDroit Park Neighbors -
Just off a call with DDOT regarding Capital Bikeshare, and LeDroit Park is on the list of possible sites for one of 15 new stations to go in this fall. This is not guaranteed at this point, but we will have more details within the next few months.
The location they are looking at is on Elm St. at the Park at LeDroit - it's a location that will allow easy access and will not block the sidewalk, street or entrance to the Park.
I will keep you posted as more information is available.
To subscribe to Capital Bikeshare - visit

Thank You,
Marc Morgan

Marc Morgan
, LeDroit Park Civic Association


  1. Bikeshare Programs are great! They are developing some here in Houston and especially at the University, which students are very excited about.

    We try to encourage users to share and trade with the community, too. It seems like your community is doing a great job!

  2. Le Droit Park and Bloomingdale neighbors need to advocate to DDOT for this location @DDOTDC and @bikeshare via Twitter.
