
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Prevention of Flooding in Bloomingdale task force first meeting -- today, Tuesday, 08/28/2012

From Teri Janine Quinn, President, Bloomingdale Civic Association:
From: Teri Janine
Date: August 27, 2012 5:18:16 PM EDT
To: Flood List < flood-issues-bdaleledroit-park- @ >
Subject: Fwd: Task Force: Prevention of Flooding in Bloomingdale
As you will see below, I have just been informed that the first Flooding Task Force meeting will be held tomorrow at 3pm in Room 527 in the Wilson Building. The meeting will be open to the public and there will be an opportunity for public comment. Here's a link to the District register entry from Friday, August 24th, which is referenced below: .
I apologize for the very late notice but as you will see below I, too, was just notified of the meeting. I will certainly address the need to provide the community (and Task Force members) more advanced notice of meetings.
Teri Janine
Begin forwarded message:
From: Love, Phyllis (EOM)
Date: August 27, 2012 4:43:49 PM EDTTo: Teri Janine
Cc: Love, Phyllis (EOM)
Subject: RE: Task Force: Prevention of Flooding in Bloomingdale
I`m sorry for the confusion about the meeting. I`ll ensure that we communicate more expeditiously. I think there was a mishap with the calendar notifications to the Task Force.
Yes, it is open to the public. The public meeting notice was published in the District Register. Tomorrow`s meeting includes a public comment period.
Let me know if I can provide further assistance.
From: Teri Janine [mailto:terijanine @]
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2012 4:38 PM
To: Love, Phyllis (EOM)
Subject: Re: Task Force: Prevention of Flooding in Bloomingdale
I`ll be there but this the first notice I received of the meeting date. Can you make sure I am on the appropriate distribution list?
Will this meeting be open to the public?
On Aug 27, 2012, at 4:11 PM, Love, Phyllis (EOM) wrote:
Hello. Tomorrow`s meeting of the Mayor`s Task Force on the Prevention of Flooding in the Bloomingdale Area has been moved to Rm. 527. Thanks for your participation.

1 comment:

  1. Are you sure that you have all the bases covered in the event of a disaster? I think that this Family Survival Plan will help
