
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

a former resident is seeking a place to view current pics of Bloomingdale retail businesses

Who would like to take this on as an assignment?

I don't live in Bloomingdale anymore, but I love to see what is happening around there through your blog. I love all the new food establishments coming in that you report on. I try to see what they look like on the outside using google street view, but the imagery is very outdated. Would it be possible to have a photos section on the blog to browse what it looks like now? I know it may be more work, but I know there must be others like me out there who will bookmark it and browse often...

Please post your suggestions here.


  1. there is a Bloomingdale Photo Group on Flickr:

    not specifically, or even mostly of interiors, but there are some.

  2. I second this as I track what's going on in Bloomingdale from my temporary home in Africa.
