
Sunday, September 23, 2012

ANC 5C Meeting – Tuesday, 09/25/2012

From Ronnie Edwards, ANC 5C Chair:
For your information attached is the updated Notice for our meeting this coming Tuesday.  Look forward to seeing you at the meeting.  Please note that our meeting on Tuesday will be at the Summit @ 1st & "T" Streets NE and will start at 7:00 p.m.

Look forward to seeing you there.

Government of the District of Columbia
PO Box 26183 . Washington, DC 20001 . www.ANC5C.COM
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
The Summit at Martins
117 ``T`` Street NE 
7:00pm -8:30pm
September Meeting Schedule
Monthly Public Meeting

At the appropriate time, all attendees will be given the opportunity to participate in the meeting, offer suggestions and make recommendations for consideration. Unless otherwise noted, floor time is limited to 60 seconds. Please limit your comments accordingly. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.


Regular Monthly Meeting (7:00 PM)
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
The Summit @ St Martins:

 Financial Updates – including updated Presentation from Eugenia Norde- regarding status of Grant Proceeds - Do The Write Thing
 Relocation of Precinct 44 to Ukrainian Church
 Howard University Homecoming - Saturday, October 20, 2012
 Dance Place - PUD Application (rescheduled to October Meeting)
 New Culinary School at Carlos Rosario School
 Resolution in Support of Upholding ANC Notice & Great Weight - related to proposed Bus Depot at Alexander Crummel School
 Request for $250 Funding - First Annual Faith-Based Community Services Award Program at CAPCS - Whaler`s Creation and the Joseph Community Foundation
 Update Re: BZA Application 18394 –
--Rear Deck and Trellis Addition to Existing Rowhouse
(Hearing appears to have occurred on September 11, 2012)
Preliminary Notice Issued on Monday, September 10, 2012

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