
Thursday, September 27, 2012

today's HPRB hearing on McMillan: "high berm along south end of site along Channing should remain"

I did not attend today's DC Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB) hearing on Bloomingdale's McMillan Sand Filtration site.  I did, however, watch the live webcast.

I tweeted while watching the hearing.

I captured my set of tweets in a chirp story.

My chirp story may be found here.

Start at the bottom and read up.

A big item of potential interest for Channing Street NW residents: HPRB Chair Maria Casarella commented that the high berm along Channing Street NW should remain and not brought down to the existing street level of the rowhouses on the south side of Channing Street NW. She said that there are examples of retaining an existing berm elsewhere in the city (no specific examples provided).

The HPRB members seem to chime in unison that the design plan presented is too generic and does not specifically speak to the site.   Chair Casarella said that the HPRB "gets a lot of that" -- design plans that are generic which can apply to many other projects.

And note that most HPRB members acknowledged the hard work that Envision McMillan has put in to the project and the complexities of the site.

So let's see what the DC Historic Preservation Office (HPO) and Envision McMillan do at this point.


  1. What was her reason for retaining the berm - historic, structural, aesthetic...? How does that recommendation relate to the proposed plan, which puts new rowhouses along the north side of Channing?
