
Monday, September 17, 2012

Coalition for Smarter Growth: "Tell the DC Council that you support McMillan redevelopment"

From the Coalition for Smarter Growth folks:

Dear Supporter,
The exciting plans for reusing the McMillan Sand Filtration Site are moving forward. CSG`s walking tour of the site last month let us learn about this fascinating 25-acre site and plans to restore and celebrate historic features, create generous parks, and provide a vibrant mix of homes, shops and medical office buildings.
In 1905, the District of Columbia opened a state-of-the-art water purification system just off Michigan Avenue, near today`s Washington Hospital Center.  In 1985, the District replaced the facility, leaving giant brick cylinders lined up in rows and 2100 manholes dotting the grassy fields behind 10` chain link fences.  The plans by the city`s development team, Vision McMillan Partners, need your input and support. We need to ensure that the effort moves forward with a careful balance of affordable housing, a mix of uses that can make the area vibrant and safe, and great public features like parks and historic building restoration.

There are many levels of public hearings and approvals that must take place before McMillan redevelopment can move ahead.  One important factor in those approvals is the level of support expressed by District residents. That`s where you can help!
Please take two minutes now to email the D.C. Council and express your support for the McMillan Redevelopment. It is very important that supporters make their views known. Your voice does make a difference!
Thank you!
Cheryl Cort

1 comment:

  1. You are kidding right?? Had you heard about this "little" flooding problem we are having directly downhill from this site?? More development is not what we need until our problems are fixed. So far the city has no solution prior to 2023 so no I have no trust in this plan at all.
