
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Hugh Youngblood: summary results of Bloomingdale / LeDroit Park Rain Barrel program meeting

From ANC 5C03 Commissioner Hugh Youngblood:
Dear Neighbors,

Thank you to everyone who participated in last night`s productive and informative initial discussion with DDOE, DC Water, and DC Greenworks in preparation for the launch of the upcoming Bloomingdale / LeDroit Park community rain barrel deployment pilot program to mitigate the near-term risk of recurring flooding and sewage backups. For those unable to attend, we`ll have lots more information available to the public soon on how to participate in the effort.
In brief, the program will rapidly provide residents and businesses in the affected area stormwater audits, rain barrels, cisterns, and installation services -- all free of charge. Audits commence this upcoming Saturday (22 September 2012), and installations will begin by mid-October.
I`m refining the meeting minutes with the organizational participants and will share a copy of the final version in the next couple days.
In the mean time, please visit the associated DC Water web page for additional information.
Please feel free to contact me directly with any questions.
Have a great day,

Hugh Youngblood
202 . 630 . 2262


  1. Thanks, Hugh, for the meeting (and to the Nats for cancelling their game). There were lots of questions/answers discussed that I am sure will be covered by the minutes but I did want to add the answer to my question. For anyone considering getting a rain barrel, there is no permit required!

    As for the backflow preventers, reminder - a permit from DCRA is required.

  2. Can anyone get a rain barrel? Or do you have to be in the Bloomingdale and Ledroit Park neighborhoods? One thing that is needed to deter flooding/sewage line backup is to control runoff coming down the hill from, say the hospital center. All that water from the concrete parking lots runs directly into the system that gets overwhelmed.

    Could diverting the runoff from the hospital into the reservoir or a holding system of their own help in controlling the sewage line backup and runoff from down the hill?

  3. Jeremy,

    For the moment, the rain barrel program is limited to Bloomingdale and LeDroit Park areas. Diverting the runoff upstream is a possibility our engineers are investigating right now.

    DC Water
    Office of External Affairs

    1. It makes a lot of sense to attempt to divert water from other areas too since - you know... water runs downhill to the lowest point... and pools... not just from our neighborhoods... should have been a thought from the start.
