
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

info on the DC Department of the Environment Green Roofs / River Smart initiatives

Supplied by Bloomingdale resident Serita Sanders:
During the Bloomingdale Civic Association Meeting this evening I stated that I had a contact for the Department of the Environment for green roofs/river smart initiates.  
Her information is as follows: 
Jenny Guillaume
Environmental Protection Specialist
Watershed Protection Division, Planning and Restoration
District Department of the Environment
1200 First St. NE
Washington, DC 20002
mailto:peter.hill @
Let the Bloomingdale/LeDroit Park community know that all they have to do is call her, send an e-mail and request a rain barrel, assessment for DDOE to come out and make suggestions on landscaping to divert water, impervious concrete, and roof top gardens. 
As a result of our August 4, 2012 meeting with DC Water, DDOE, public works, and the Bloomingdale community, DDOE is partnering with DC Water to allocate funds to Bloomingdale to make homes more river smart.(less vulnerable to flooding).  Jennifer said that we need to call her to sign up for this service to show interest.  If we flood their office with requests, it will mandate funds for our community.
Link to RiverSmart Homes
Please include this information in your BCA meeting write-up.  Thanks.

Serita Sanders

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: ``Guillaume, Jennifer (DDOE)``
To:  Serita
Sent: Thursday, August 9, 2012 1:29 PM
Subject: FW: Green Roof Program
Link to RiverSmart Homes  

From: Guillaume, Jennifer (DDOE)
Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2012 1:29 PM
To:  Serita
Subject: Green Roof Program

Jenny Guillaume
Environmental Protection Specialist
Watershed Protection Division, Planning and Restoration
District Department of the Environment
1200 First St. NE
Washington, DC 20002
mailto:peter.hill @

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