
Friday, September 14, 2012

McMillan Sand Filtration site mentioned as a potential expansion site for Children`s National Medical Center

Note that one of the suggested expansion sites is Bloomingdale`s McMillan Sand Filtration site to the south.

Children`s National Medical Center sets sights on growth
Premium content from Washington Business Journal
by Daniel J. Sernovitz, Staff Reporter
Date: Friday, September 14, 2012, 6:00am EDT
Children`s National Medical Center needs more space, stat.
Washington`s only freestanding pediatric hospital has pretty much run out of space at its Northwest D.C. campus and has tapped commercial real estate company Jones Lang LaSalle Inc. to help it scout out additional real estate.
The medical center does not plan to uproot itself from its Michigan Avenue address overlooking the McMillan Reservoir, known as the Sheikh Zayed Campus for Advanced Children`s Medicine. But the 303-bed hospital may end up buying or leasing extra space near its campus or at some of its other regional outposts, said Raymond Sczudlo, the hospital`s executive vice president and chief legal officer. Children`s operates more than a dozen specialty clinics and outpatient centers as far out as Hagerstown, Md., to the north and Fredericksburg, Va., and Prince Frederick, Md., to the south.
``Children`s has expanded quite significantly over the last 10 years,`` Sczudlo said of the 36-year-old campus. ``We`re not leaving this location, but we do need to expand and make it as efficient as possible the other locations.``
The hospital has not set a date by when it hopes to complete the analysis, as those and other details are still being worked out.

The real estate search comes as the hospital grapples with the implications of health care reform and the changing landscape of its Northwest D.C. neighborhood.
The number of patients admitted annually at Children`s has jumped by nearly 50 percent in the past decade and came to nearly 14,500 children in 2011. To meet that need, the hospital`s staff has increased from 2,481 employees a decade ago to nearly 6,200. The hospital completed its last major campus expansion project, a $30 million renovation that added 20 beds to its inpatient capacity, last year.
Children`s reported $885.4 million in revenue and operating income of $984,000 for the fiscal year ended June 30,2011. It added $48.2 million to its balance sheet thanks to investments, donations and other sources.
The medical center, which shares its 57-acre campus with MedStar Washington Hospital Center and several other medical facilities, is just one of several hospitals facing growth issues. As the communities they support have expanded around them, Washington Hospital Center, Washington Adventist Hospital, and Sibley Memorial Hospital have been forced to consider expensive upgrades to accommodate that growth. Many have opened outpatient centers or shifted their administrative functions to other sites to make room on their campuses to treat more patients.
Jones Lang LaSalle has assembled a team including Matt Coursen, Kevin Wayer, Tim Eachus, Chris Molivadas, Scott Latimer and Shawn Janus. Coursen, a vice president who specializes in facility strategy, site acquisition and related services, said hospitals like Children`s are bracing for a variety of changes including the federal health care overhaul, shifting populations and the need to be more efficient in how they deliver medical care to their patients.
Sczudlo said the hospital has already been looking at potential expansion sites close to its main campus, including at the Armed Forces Retirement Home to the north and the McMillan Reservoir sand filtration plant to the south. But it`s early in the process, and Sczudlo said the first step will be working with Jones Lang to figure out how the hospital is currently using its space and whether it can put that space to better use.
``We`re really at the very beginning of this, so I can`t say `Yes, absolutely,` or `No, absolutely not` to anything yet,`` he said.


  1. The "healing garden ", urban agriculture, orchards, walking paths and recreation/peformance/art/ youth training at the new Glen Echo at Mcmillan will be the healthiest addition to Children's National Medical Center. The parking lots at the hospital center can give way to new facilities for the hospitals expansion and the new medical offices.. We are moving into a new age of Mass Transit oriented development so we won't have to waste all this valuable land on parking anymore.. Office of Planning is doing such good work in transit oriented development. The healthiest community is not an overcrowded community,, Office of Planniing has pointed that out.
    And, when we raise our young poeople with so much positive activity and community building at Mcmillan Park, they will be shooting and stabbing each other ( and us) much less and we will not be overburdening Chidren's National medcal Center with injured youth. So simple!

  2. Oh excellent! Washington Hospital Center is such a paragon of architechtural wonder and beauty. It's hard to see one end of the parking lot from the other end because of the curvature of the earth. Wow. What vision!... Let them build medical offices! More shite development for our neighborhood. Yay.
