
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

MPD: burglary arrest in PSA 501; skillful scattering of stolen items throughout the alley

a) From: "Manlapaz, Wilfredo (MPD)" <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2012 8:25 PM
Subject: [MPD-5D] Burglary Arrest in PSA 501



On Wednesday, September 19, 2012 at about 10:50 a.m. uniformed officers of the Fifth District were patrolling the alleys in PSA 501 in response to the burglaries. The officers observed a subject carrying a bag. The subject observed the officers approaching him and he dropped the bag and fled the scene on foot. The subject was stopped and recovered from the bag was property that came from a residence that had just been burglarized in the unit block of Seaton Pl NW. The subject was arrested and charged with Burglary II. Fifth District Detectives are following up regarding connections that this subject may have to other burglaries in the area. Great work by the PSA 501 officers on a burglary apprehension.
Please call 911 immediately to report any suspicious persons(s), vehicle(s), and/or activity(ies), and provide as much detail as possible.

b)  From: ``Griffin, Randy (MPD)`` < >
 To: ``5D Listserv (`` < >
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2012 4:03 AM
Subject: [MPD-5D] FW: Burglary Arrest in PSA 501

Additionally, several of the items that were taken from the residence were found by Fifth District members scattered inconspicuously throughout the alley near garbage piles, old mattresses, and inside of trash cans.  Apparently, both thought and time were given in deciding where to place the stolen items for future pick up.  Therefore, please be mindful of anything on and around your properties that appears out of place.  It should be noted that the discovery of the concealed items is a direct result of the outstanding investigation done by the officers on the scene.  Please continue to dial 911 immediately to report any suspicious activities.


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