
Wednesday, September 05, 2012

* no one * has any comments on the immediate prior post on the implications of using a backflow preventer....?

I thought that the report from the neighbor on the 100 block of Rhode Island Avenue NW would garner at least * a few * comments....


  1. Every action has a reaction, some unintended. If everyone on a block installs these and they keep the sewer from backing up, this is good and helps them. However, the water that would have come into the basement has to so somewhere else, and it will.

  2. Does this settlement have anything to do with why we might be experiencing problems?

    Water is backing up because they are no longer discharging excess directly into the rivers. The infrastructure isn't in place to handle our city and they don't want to be slapped with fines by the EPA, so the citizens have to deal with the sewage and associated costs with cleaning it up.

    Flagler makes a great point. The residents higher up hill will also start to see raw sewage enter their homes.
