
Monday, September 24, 2012

Portrait City DC's latest entry: Catania Bakery's Nicole Tramonte and her grandson, David

Have you visited the website?

LeDroit Park resident Robert Sullivan and his team have a new entry -- this time on Catania Bakery's Nicole Tramonte and his grandson David.
Nicole Tramonte runs Catania Bakery, which has been in the same location on the 1400 block of North Capitol Street NW since 1932.  Alfio Caruso established the bakery, and Nicole and her husband Anthony (now deceased) bought it from the Caruso family in 1978.

Nicole's grandson Dave was "raised" in the bakery, while his mother worked there or when he was under the care of his grandparents, which was often.

Lots of history, lots of changes, lots of stories, lots of bread!

Though most of the business is wholesale, the bakery is open for retail on Saturday mornings.  Stop by and see Nicole, and try the anice biscotti.

See them here .

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