
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Quincy Place NW resident: "gun pulled on my husband and I in our back yard"

From:  A Quincy Place NW resident
Date: Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 11:02 AM
Subject: Gun pulled on my husband and I, in back yard
Last night a guy came to my back door shortly after my husband had left to park our car and do some work in the basement.
I heard a knock on the door and at first assumed it was my husband because he had just left. When I didn't recognize the voice and my dog, who NEVER barks went into high alert. I asked without opening the door if it was Brian. I felt like something may have happened to my husband. The guy replied "yes this is Buddy" I knew then he was there to rob us because he was just repeating back what he thought I said. My husband came up from the basement and confronted the guy so I opened the door. With him at the top of our stairs and my husband at the bottom behind him I think he felt uncomfortable and backed down back into the alley my husband followed a few feet behind and the guy pulls a gun out and points it at his face. My husband had a water bottle and threw it at the guy and ran back into the basement where apparently it was too dark for the gunman to follow. I opened the door again to attempt to bring his attention away from my husban who is thankfully in the dark but cornered...and see this guy running toward me with a gun pointed at my face. He looks at me and then runs off.
Of course we called the police. And we're told we would probably see them again because chances are they live in our neighborhood. These guys were young. And it turns out there were two of them. Our neighbor ran up after he heard me yelling and saw a guy with dreads hiding at the front of our garage. Waitin I guess for the friend to get in the house. He clearly saw both guys faces as did my husband. Now my husband had seen these two guys speed walking in the alley and a few weeks back my father saw the same guys acting suspicious again on the alley in back yards, looking in windows etc. Once the shock left I remembered seeing them walking together the day before with the same clothes on. The guy with dreads is about 5'8 he had on a red shirt. The gunman was short and had on a black scull cap, which was a ski mask pulled up. A dingy black shirt and blue jeans his clothes looked worn like he had been in them a while. He had a little facial hair like he neede to shave but no beard.
One other thing my husband and I membered after was that these same guys were sitting in a backyard with a couple females that live on our block. Which made me feel unsafe.
Please be vigilant and keep an eye out for ANY suspicious activity and don't hesitate to call 911. Even of these guys are in someone else's yard call! Get to know your neighbors. We have to watch out for each other.
Quincy pl NW

1 comment:

  1. I deeply regret hearing that you had to experience this, and that this behavior is occurring on my street and other parts of our great neighborhood. I really appreciate your view of attacking this problem by asking for neighbors to work together to make it exceedingly uncomfortable criminals that attempt to rob us. As neighbors we must not tolerate these actions and cooperate with one another to keep our houses, families, and streets safe. Remember: criminals are lazy and the harder we make it for them to commit crime, the less they will attempt it.
