
Thursday, September 13, 2012

rain barrel meeting hosted by the Bloomingdale ANC commissioners -- Tuesday, 09-18-2012

See this message from ANC 5C03 Commissioner Hugh Youngblood.

Dear Neighbors,
Commissioners Fournier, Mueller, and I will host a Joint SMD Meeting on Tuesday, 18 September 2012, to discuss the Bloomingdale Rain Barrel Program. The meeting will take place at 7pm at Mount Pleasant Baptist Church located at 215 Rhode Island Avenue NW.
Representatives from the District Department of the Environment and DC Greenworks will provide detailed insight into rain barrel installation and functionality, the overarching RiverSmart Homes Program, and the development of a targeted rapid-deployment program to help mitigate the near-term risk of flooding in the Bloomingdale community.
Please join us for this meeting to learn about the program and the green jobs that it will create in our community in the coming months.
I`ll be back in touch with more details shortly.
Thank you,

Hugh Youngblood
202 . 630 . 2262

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