
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

request to not install porous pavers on the 100 block of Rhode Island Avenue NW

Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2012 12:08 PM
Subject: Re: Flooding Relief Measures in Bloomingdale

Dear DDOT, DC Water, Mayor’s Task Force on Flooding in Bloomingdale and Others whom this may concern:
I am a resident of the 100 block of Rhode Island Ave NW which has experienced severe flooding due to sewage backup – both in our homes and in the street. I welcome the short term measures to address flooding in Bloomingdale announced last Friday as a preliminary first step, and I hope these will be followed with a much more substantive effort aimed at large scale water retention and/or diversion of water from the North-East Branch Trunk and the undersized sewer system in Bloomingdale.
However, I am extremely concerned by one element of the plan, which I strongly request you reconsider.   Installing porous pavers or other rainwater infiltration features on the 100 block of Rhode Island Ave has the potential to do significant damage to our already waterlogged homes. The area in front of our homes is essentially a lake bed with several feet of standing water during a flooding event. Installing pervious pavers will allow this water to be forced into the water table beneath the foundations of our homes with potential dire consequences. Overcharging the water table will create unpredictable soil conditions with extreme risks to our structural foundations, as well as water issues as the water table is raised and moisture is forced up through our basement concrete slabs.
As an architect and affected homeowner, I beg you to reconsider this plan. Porous pavers and other LID techniques to maximize water absorption at the site where the rain falls are a great idea and I encourage you to look at more widespread installation in the entire collection area of the North East Boundary Tunnel EXCEPT the area already taking the brunt of the runoff/sewage backup. The alleys off of 1st street NW and the sidewalks of the unit blocks of RI Ave. NW and NE and 200 block of RI Ave NW which are uphill from the 100 block would be a good start.
Thanks for your attention in this matter-

Now see this response from Terry Bellamy:

From: "Bellamy, Terry (DDOT)"
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2012 12:31 PM
Subject: RE: Flooding Relief Measures in Bloomingdale
Thanks for your email and your concerns and suggestions.  We will share with our designers and engineers as we look for possible short term, immediate and long term solutions for the storm water run-off in this impacted areas.  As you are aware , I will share your concerns with the Task Force and we will continue as we move forward to communicate with the impacted citizens.  Again, thanks and I expect future communication with you.

Terry Bellamy
Director│Desk (202) 671-4097│ │

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