
Saturday, September 15, 2012

McMillan PUD -- the agenda item -- at the special ANC 5C meeting - Monday, 09-17-2012, 8:00 pm, at St. Martin's Church, following the Bloomingdale Civic Assn meeting

First, a brief message from ANC 5C Chair Ronnie Edwards:
Please find attached the Notice of our Meeting this coming Monday. The meeting will not start until 8:00 pm. Councilmembers Brown, Chairman of the Economic Development Committee and Councilmember McDuffie are both scheduled to attend.
Please note that our regular meeting night has changed due to Councilmember McDuffie holding his Ward 5 Night at the Nationals. Anyone interested in attending the Nationals Game with Ward 5 on Tuesday, September 18 should contact Commissioner Clark, in Councilmember McDuffie's office to see if any tickets are left.
Look forward to seeing you at the Meeting on Monday.
Ronnie Edwards, 5C11, Chairman
Advisory Neighborhood Commission 5C
(202) 413 -  2715
Second, see this message from ANC 5C Commissioner Gigi Ransom:
To ANC 5C Residents and Businesses:
Attached and below is the revised ANC 5C Special Meeting Notice with abbreviated public notification.  You deserve a justification for this short notice which I know you will accept due to the nature of the issue at hand.
The focus of this Special Meeting is the planned development of the McMillan Sand Filtration Site before the DC Council`s Public Oversight Roundtable on Wed, 9/19/12.  As you are aware, this year, Mayor Gray placed this project on fast track after more than 25 years of community meetings and discussions.
Since the Spring 2012, there have been additional meetings held by ANC 5C, Bloomingdale Civic Association (BCA), MAG, ANC 1B and the development group to reach a consensus on this project.  There was also the recent first step at a public hearing before the Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB).
Due to the Summer break and awaiting HPRB decision on the matter , the scheduling problem occurred with short notice of the DC Council scheduling a public oversight roundtable on Wed morn, 9/19/12, and learning about the Nationals scheduling the Ward 5 Night on Tuesday, 9/18/12, which is our regularly scheduled monthly meeting night.
To make this effort effective and time efficient convenient as possible for all, this week ANC 5C worked through various meeting date scenarios with the BCA who also needed to short schedule a meeting with the developers specifically to review recent revisions to the plan and Howard University`s letter on the project prior to the Council`s oversight roundtable on 9/19/12. 
It was decided that the BCA will hold their meeting first on Monday, Sept 17, 2012 at 6:30pm at the St. Martins Catholic Church, 1908 North Capitol St NW (Corner of T St NW), immediately followed by ANC 5C`s Special Meeting (8:00pm)to vote on an updated resolution based on the information presented and the BCA`s vote for this oversight roundtable hearing on Wednesday, Sept 19, 2012.

The Revised ANC 5C Special Meeting agenda (with the correct location) also includes the current agenda for our Tue, Sept 25, 2012 meeting.

Albrette ``Gigi`` Ransom
Commissioner, ANC 5C12
ANC 5C-Financial & Corresponding Secretaries
Chair, ANC 5C Legislation & Public Policy Committee
Government of the District of Columbia
P.O. Box 26183 . Washington, DC 20001 . www.ANC5C.COM

Monday, September 17, 2012      The Summit at St Martins
7:00pm -9:00pm                            116 T Street NE
September Meeting Schedule

Monthly Public Meeting

At the appropriate time, all attendees will be given the opportunity to participate in the meeting, offer suggestions and make recommendations for consideration. Unless otherwise noted, floor time is limited to 60 seconds. 
Please limit your comments accordingly. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2012 (8:00 PM)
(Immediately following Bloomingdale Civic Association Meeting)
St Martins Catholic Church
-Pioneer Room- 1908 North Capitol Street NW
(Corner of North Capitol and T Streets NW)
To Review and Consider updates to the Planned Development of the McMillan Sand Filtration Site.
The meeting will be attended by Councilmember Michael Brown, Chairman of the Economic Development Committee, Councilmember Kenyan McDuffie and representatives of the Deputy Mayor’s Office.
Regular Monthly Meeting (7:00 PM)
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Summit @ St Martins:   

  • Relocation of Precinct 44 to Ukrainian Church
  • Howard University Homecoming - Saturday, October 20, 2012
  • Dance Place - PUD Application
  • New Culinary School at Carlos Rosario School
  • Resolution in Support of Upholding ANC Notice and Great Weight - related to proposed Bus Depot at Alexander Crummel School
  • Request for $250 Funding - First Annual Faith-Based Community Services Award Program at CAPCS - Whaler's Creation and the Joseph Community Foundation
Preliminary Notice Issued on Monday, September 10, 2012

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