
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Washington Post: "Two stabbed in Bloomingdale robbery"

By Mike DeBonis | 12:01 PM ET, 09/23/2012

Two men were stabbed early Sunday morning during a street robbery in D.C.`s Bloomingdale neighborhood, police said.

A group of five was approached by three men; one suspect wielded a knife, another had a pole, said Officer Anthony Clay, a police spokesman.

One victim was stabbed in the chest, neck and back, while another was stabbed in the wrist. The others were punched. The injuries do not appear life-threatening, Clay said.

The incident happened around 2 a.m. in the 100 block of V Street NW, in a residential neighborhood of rowhouses east of Howard University.

The three suspects are black males, Clay said. The knife-wielding man is described as 5-foot-7 and about 140 pounds, wearing dark pants. The man with a pole is said to be 5-foot-8, about 140 pounds and wearing a white T-shirt.
Police reported seven other violent incidents Saturday night and Sunday morning, including a stabbing in the 1800 block of Independence Avenue SE, near RFK Stadium, and a gun robbery in the 1900 block of Calvert Street NW, near the Adams Morgan nightlife district.


  1. This is the same incident that was reported about extensively in Scott's email that is sent out #2046. We were having a very similar problem with Howard students right at the beginning of the semester. Contacted Barbara Griffin at She is the VP of Student Affairs. She was able to stop a lot of the crap that was going on at 1st and Adams. She should be informed that there is gang warfare going on at 1st and Vst. By the way does this have anything to do with the very obvious drug activity that is occuring at 1st and U and around that blue market called the micro market or something? I would point it out to the police. You may want to also find out what house this is all occuring in and ask the police to involve DCRA. There was a house at 2212 North Capitol that was a big party house and the police brought DCRA in on the owner and that seems to have calmed that situation an dcould help yours

  2. We need the police to step in and enforce noise ordinances when there are parties happening. Obviously if you have large rowdy parties happening late into the night some of these fights happen. We also need the city to aggressively clean up resulting garbage and trash and blight in the neighborhood.

  3. One other step would be to stop renting to HU students, craigslist is full of lots of other people who won't reck your house or have the police showing up every other night. The students come in our neighborhood with the sense that they are entitled to act this way. Stop renting room/apts/homes to HU students and that puts them out of the neighborhood and sends a strong message to HU to start recruiting a better caliber of student

    1. Wow. Howard U has been in this neighborhood for approximately 130 years. Most of you people have been in the neighborhood for a couple of years and you're ready to throw out the Howard U students. I wonder why there's such ire toward gentrifiers in DC from people who are being displaced. Gentrification at its finest.

    2. @DCGuy83...I couldn't have stated it better. The nerve of someone deciding to move into a college campus neighborhood and then complain about the environment. What do you expect?? Not to take up for the craziness that occurred during the weekend but come on...some people really take their entitlement mentality too far...expecially when they are new to the neighborhood. And please, a few bad seeds do not reflect poorly on the tremendous contribution/impact that this institution has had on America and the world over...

    3. How long HU has been in the neighborhood has nothing to do with anything. At one time in this neighborhood it was a great thing to have a HU student as a renter. They were respectful their parents took responsibility for their child and your home. Sure there was a party or two but not to the point where people got stabbed in the street like they do now. You just making excusesfor them by playing the race/gentrification card. You do the people in this neighborhood who have been here a long time a disservice by assuming that they enjoy the stabbings in the street and if it weren't for the "Gentrifyers" no one would be complaining about it.

  4. My two sense worth; being a Washingtonian a HU graduate from a long line of HU graduates. It is very sad that students from throughout the USA don't represent better. Gentrification has nothing to do with bad behavior. I continue to live and work in WDC and over the summer 3 Catholic University students moved next door to me. Well, two loud parties. Students are students and tend to get out of hand. When I complained to the student's father his reply "call the police". As a community unite and don't accept excusses for bad behavior. Come on DC lifers don't make excuses for bad behavior. Students away from home should know better and do better.
