
Monday, October 01, 2012

care to run for office in the Bloomingdale Civic Association ?

See this message from Bloomingdale Civic Association Nominating Committee:
Dear BCA Members,
Please see the attached flyer regarding the officer elections for the Execute Board of the Bloomingdale Civic Association (BCA). The deadline for expressing interest in a BCA office is Wednesday, October 10th at 6pm. For questions or comments please contact the nominating committee at or 214– 908-1913.
We look forward to seeing you at the next BCA meeting:
Monday, October 15th @ 7pm,
St. George`s Episcopal Church
160 U St, NW (corner of 2nd and U NW)
BCA Nominating Committee
Bloomingdale Civic Associaton 2012 Elections Flyer

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