
Saturday, October 13, 2012

illegal and irresponsible dumping – fines issued

See this Friday, 10-12-2012 message: 
I now live at 43 T St, NW. This morning I went into the alley, which goes from about 41 T St back toward Rhode Island/North Cap, to see if our trashcans had been brought in by my housemate on time (they were) and my next door neighbor from 41 T St was out there very frustrated he had received two $75.00 tickets for illegal dumping in the alley. Right underneath a brand new NO DUMPING sign someone had left a playpen, a mattress, and all other sorts of trash. He did not leave these things there, but they were resting against the side of his rowhouse, which abuts the alley. There is no way my neighbor should be stuck with a $150 fine for something he didn`t do.
I doubt any one will come forward and pay the fine that`s theirs, but perhaps the neighbors will avoid this in the future, and keep an eye out for anyone who`s illegally dumping in that alley.

1 comment:

  1. it may not be a neighbor and could be someone from another part of the city....this happened to me a coupla years ago and I protested the ticket and didn't have to pay it
