
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

meet-and-greet for At-Large Council candidate David Grosso -- Saturday, 10-27-2012

See this message from Bloomingdale resident John Salatti:
Because we believe that people in our neighborhood should have the opportunity to interact directly with the candidates that are on the ballot, Acacia and I invite you to meet At-Large Council Candidate David Grosso (details are below). You get to vote for two candidates for At-Large Councilmember, and we think you should seriously consider David Grosso. He has the credentials, the commitment, and the campaign to be a real winner for both Bloomingdale and D.C. So come and meet him this Saturday at our house!

We look forward to having you.
Acacia and John

Grosso Meet n Greet Invite 2012 10 27


  1. Is this true? Are the Salitti's who are registered Democrats having strong ties to local and national Democratic figures like Congressman Clyburn (D-SC); actually hosting a meet and greet for two independents in the at large CM race. Hope all my good DEMS on Captiol Hill and here in DC are looking at this announcement.

    Afterall, we have a Democrat who has won a primary and been endorsed for that at large seat. Not to mention incumbent At-large CM Vincent Orange is the former Ward 5 CM, not to mention VO's record on jobs and economic development, education, dispensaries, etc. It seems the Sallitti's are less concerned about Democratic values, the party's platform and the accomplishments of true Democrats here in DC and more interested in moving their own agenda...???? Not very encouraging for those Bloomingdale Salatti loyalists.

    I'm voting Orange (D) and Brown (ID), and I am voting Terri Quinn for BCA and I hope if your in her SMD that you vote her for ANC. I hope you all will join me in those efforts.

    But no matter who you choose just GOTV because your voice only counts if you fill out the ballot!

    1. Not everyone believes in automatically voting a straight ticket in a "state" where 75% of registered voters are Democrats. Some people might even suggest that's a recipe for graft, corruption, and incompetence.
