
Monday, October 29, 2012

meet-and-greet for Michael A. Brown, At-Large council candidate, rescheduled to this Thursday, 11-01-2012

See this Monday, 10-29-2012, 5:33 pm message from John and Acacia Salatti, who originally scheduled a meet-and-greet event for At-Large Council candidate Michael A. Brown at their Bloomingdale home this evening:
Although Councilmember Michael Brown was quite willing to come to Bloomingdale during Hurricane Sandy, we decided that for all concerned shifting the date would be best. So the opportunity to talk with Michael is now this Thursday, November 1st.
From my perspective, this race is not and should not be between Michael Brown and David Grosso. Because we have the right to vote for TWO candidates, this race should be about which two of the seven At-Large Council candidates will serve Bloomingdale, Ward 5, and the District best. So Acacia and I decided to open our home on Thursday the 1st to At-Large Councilmember, Michael Brown (details below). Although Michael is the first to admit that he has had a tough year of allegations, we believe you should come and talk with him yourself. When Bloomingdale and Ward 5 were about to be sliced and diced at the hand of our former councilmember's redistricting plan, Michael Brown stood up and said, "No." He knew the proposed redistricting was both harmful to Ward 5 residents and illegal under the law. He was open to discussion and reason. He listened to residents. In the end, Michael moved through the plan that we have today that kept Bloomingdale completely intact, created more rational boundaries across the Ward, and distributed residents in ANC districts in a balanced and ungerrymandered way. Just for what he did for us in the redistricting alone (which will affect for the next 10 years), Michael Brown deserves to be heard. But we can also say that any time we have wanted to address an issue or concern with him, Michael's door has been open. In fact, few councilmembers will so readily take a call or meet with you face to face like Michael Brown.
So come out this Thursday, November 1, 2012, and talk with Councilmember Brown (details are below). He needs to hear from us and we need to know his views on all sorts of issues that affect our community.

We look forward to having you.
Acacia and John
John T. Salatti
(202) 986-2592
"Together, Building a Better Bloomingdale"

Acacia & John Salatti
Invite You to a GOTV
Meet-and-Greet with
Michael A. Brown
Councilmember, At-Large
Chairperson, Committee on Economic Development & Housing
He was there for Bloomingdale during redistricting. Now you have a chance to ask Michael about the McMillan Development, Sewer Backups, Crime, City Corruption, the revitalization of Rhode Island Avenue and North Capitol Street, whatever is on your mind.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
The Salatti Home
131 U Street, NW
RSVP to Lindsey Fell: (202) 495-0542 |

1 comment:

  1. Dear John - Thank you for hosting the Grosso Campaign last weekend. I want to chime in here to say that this is a race between David Grosso and Michael Brown. Every poll shows that Vincent Orange will win his seat handily, because he has Democrat next to his name. The second seat will be occupied by either Michael Brown or David Grosso. I, of course, advocate choosing David Grosso. Thanks again, Aaron Pritchard, David Grosso Campaign Manager.
