
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

meet & greet cocktail fundraiser for the three ANC 5E07 commissioner candidates Wanda Foster, Eric Jenkins & Betsy McDaniel

Please Join Us for a
Meet & Greet Fundraiser Cocktail Party
For Our Bloomingdale Candidates for Commissioner of SMD 5E07
Wanda Foster, Eric Jenkins, & Betsy McDaniel
And to Say Thank You for His Work to Our Current ANC Commissioner- Hugh Youngblood (who is running for Commissioner of SMD 5E06)
Alberto Ucles and Tom Noll`s Home
23 T Street NW
Monday, October 22, 2012
7:00 – 8:30 PM
Light refreshments will be served.
Please come, meet, and get to know our candidates.
Bring your concerns, ideas, and questions for the candidates and help spread the word about them to our friends & neighbors.
The maximum donation to any candidate is $25,
so feel free to donate what & to whom you wish at the door.
Note of clarification:
ANC Redistricting shifted our SMD boundaries, so starting Jan. 1, 2013 our south-central area of Bloomingdale will be in
SMD 5E07, which spans from Randolph Place to U Street and from North Capitol to 2nd Street NW. The candidates are Wanda Foster (100 block of Randolph), Eric Jenkins (100 block of S), and Betsy McDaniel (corner of 1st & Randolph).
Hugh Youngblood will be in SMD 5E06, which spans from Q Street to Randolph Place NW and includes the part of Bloomingdale west of 2nd Street NW.
For more details, to volunteer or donate time or refreshments contact:
Alberto: 202 then 518 7070 –

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