
Friday, November 23, 2012

Zoning Commission votes unanimously to upzone Big Bear Cafe from R-4 to C-2-A

See this message from Big Bear Cafe's Stu Davenport:
Thank you from the Big Bear Cafe!
We finally had our last zoning hearing on Monday 11/19/2012, and the Zoning Commission unanimously voted to support the Big Bear's zoning change.
Thanks everyone who came out to support us over the years! It has been such a long process.
We would never have been able to get through it without all of the support from our neighbors, our Civic Association, our ANC Commissioners Youngblood and Salatti, the North Capitol Main Street group, the ANC 5C, our Councilman McDuffie, and the local business owners of Rustik (Diton), and Boundary Stone (Gareth, Matt and Collin) who spoke up for us at the different meetings. We needed the help and you all took the time to look out for us.

We really appreciate it.
You can watch the final vote here if you want to see what was finally said in the end:

And thanks Scott Roberts for this List-Serve!
It helps us all stay connected.
Happy holidays.

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