
Thursday, November 15, 2012

By and By urban bluegrass band playing at Big Bear Cafe -- Saturday, 12-01-2012

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My band By and By is playing a show at Big Bear on Dec 1st. I`d love to see more of our bloomingdale folks in the crowd!

Some information about the band:

We are an urban bluegrass band, we play original and traditional music, and we play frequently around DC. This particular incarnation of the band has been making music together for about three years, bringing in record crowds at Sova Lounge for their Thursday Bluegrass Nights, and playing around town, including Acre 121, Shaw`s Tavern, and three consecutive years at the Kingman Island Bluegrass and Folk Festival.

We won first place at the 2012 DC Bluegrass Union Band Competition, taking an opening slot at the next day`s performances, which included world-renowned headliners Sierra Hull and Country Current. We have a recorded EP, and we plan to have a full length album completed in the next 4 months or so. I am the lead singer and rhythm guitarist.
My husband, our dogs, and I have lived in Bloomingdale for about 4 years and we love our neighborhood! As always on the Dec 1 there will be no cover at the door and we`ll play from about 8-8:30-11.

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