
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

oh look! A Bloomingdale (DC) Facebook page created by a local real estate company! And most of the content is from me.....

How special.  A real estate company in Georgetown called M Squared Real Estate set up a Facebook page for Bloomingdale.
Take a gander: 

And guess where most of the content comes from?
The Bloomingdale Neighborhood blog at Blogspot.

So glad to be able to provide content for someone else's Facebook page.

Love the description under the "About" page:

Bloomingdale is a neighborhood in Washington, DC. This page posts Georgetown, Washington DC neighborhood news, arts & culture, entertainment, dining, events, opening & real estate. 100% Spam-Free!
Gotta love it.

The neighborhood didn't establish its own Facebook page, so someone else did.   

I know a local real estate firm that * I * won't be using anytime soon....


  1. Is the banner pic of the original Bloomingdale estate?!? I have been looking forever for a picture. I imagined it was on a little hill, just like in the picture. near Randolph and North Capitol Guess they had it colorized - surely the picture would have been in black and white.

  2. It looks like they've got it automatically scraping this blog for content, as even this post is included on their facebook page! Not exactly rocket surgeons over there.

  3. Great Scott. U wuz wobbed! Call the po-po.

  4. Noticed that page while looking for a Bloomingdale Facebook page. The same company seems to do a bunch of pages for DC neighborhoods, including Eckington (, Capitol hill (, etc.

  5. They also scrape content for the @bloomingdale_DC Twitter feed. Lather, rinse, repeat for a whole bunch of other DC neighborhoods.

  6. Scott,

    I noticed your scolding post regarding our Bloomingdale Facebook page and wanted to take a moment to share with you why we created this presence (along with many others) and how they are used.

    Content for these pages come from multiple sources, with some neighborhood pages having more sources than others. It does appear that the vast majority of content on the Bloomingdale Facebook page originates from your blog. This is not the case for all of our social presences, some share content from dozens of blogs, some only a few.

    Our complete social network is comprised of 32,724 friends and followers as of November 28, 2012. The vast majority of these people are from outside the Washington, DC area, with future plans to become a resident of Washington, DC, or just a desire to learn more about the city’s eclectic and exciting neighborhoods.

    We’ve never scraped or stolen your content, nor have we hijacked any of your traffic. These presences are of no traffic or search engine benefit to our firm. They are simply a resource for our clients and visitors to use, to learn more about neighborhoods of interest. Every share, links to its original source. Absolutely none of your traffic is redirected to our website, period. This month, we’ve shared 140 posts on our Bloomindale presences, that were clicked by 850 people, averaging 6.1 clicks per post. Each click was directed to the original article/posting, on the original website of publication. With regards to our Bloomingdale presences, your blog captured 91.8% of this traffic, most likely retaining new, repeat visitors along the way. The manner in which the content is shared is no different, than if I, as a visitor to your site clicked ‘share’ and shared a link with my friends. We just disseminate to a much larger, targeted audience.

    Moreover, we pass UTM variables to the publishing site for every link clicked. This enables you, using your analytics software to see, firsthand, the traffic you receive from our presences, as well as signup conversions, should your site allow for user registration.

    The purpose of the network is to share real, original neighborhood news and information to an audience outside of Washington, DC. Sometimes the news is positive, sometimes it’s negative. But it’s a much better snapshot of what life is like in a neighborhood than real estate agent puffery, which is usually all that’s offered. As our friends and followers click links, they discover new websites of interest. Our network is a megaphone, reaching a new, different audience. That’s all.

    We started this network over a year ago, and we’ve received much praise from our clients, web users and the publishers of content we share. Alas, it’s time for some criticism. I am more than willing to remove your content from our Bloomingdale Facebook & Twitter presences. Or we can amend the ‘about’ section of all our presences to include a full list of content sources we share, with links. If we have been remiss with regards to social media transparency, I am more than willing to make the changes necessary to satisfy any issues of concern you have.

    Dominic Morrocco

  7. Submit a takedown request through Facebook.
