
Tuesday, November 06, 2012

special meeting of the Bloomingdale Civic Assn for consideration of a resolution re: "No Confidence" in ANC 5C on matters related to McMillan

See this message from Bloomingdale resident Dr. Bertha Holliday:

The Bloomingdale Civic Association will hold a special meeting to consider A VOTE OF 'NO CONFIDENCE' in ANC 5C on matters related to the development of the MMillan Sand Filtration Site:
2 TO 5 PM
In hope that the meeting will NOT be 3 hours long, you will find attached a copy of the proposed resolution -- for your careful review PRIOR to the meeting. Please write down any questions or comments you might have IN ADVANCE of the meeting, so these might be addressed as expeditiously as possible. Please come and voice your views on the McMillan development!
Bertha Holliday
BCA First Vice President.

Bca No Confidence Anc 5c Mcmillan Resolution


  1. This is so ridiculous. We are going to end up with NOTHING in the end, except a weed-filled, barbed-wired fenced off plot of unusable land that will just sit there for another 25 years. The developers are going to get fed up dealing with all this and just move on! What do you people want, other than to complain and be a constant source of contention and status quo. It's time to move forward and allow development of this site.

    1. We want what we deserve. World class development that preserves the extraordinary historical significance this site played in the development and health of our city and frankly our nation. Many of us who are opposed to the current plans for McMillan, moved here because we saw Bloomingdale as a different place to live. We saw potential to be a world class urban neighborhood devoid of big box development and flimsy plywood construction. We didn't see our neighborhood as a commuter's paradise and what concerns us the most is that offices and retail will make that concern a reality and cheapen our community. We saw Bloomingdale as a place where everyone knew one another and where people who lived here for 60 years could mingle with people who lived here for 60 days. Bloomingdale is a special place, rich in history, and it sits at the foot of one of the most historic pieces of engineering in our nation's history. We don't oppose the development of McMillan. We just want to see whatever is put up there match the vision we all had when we moved here. We want to see the McMillan plan match the small scale development and green space preservation we have put in place as a community and that has elevated property values and made this place a continually better and more desirable place to live. At present the plan before us completely fails to accomplish the world class and responsible development we deserve and we demand. If the developers at present can not match our vision with their end result then maybe they should drop the project and move on because there are many of us who would rather see a "weed-filled, barbed-wired fenced off plot of unusable land that will just sit there for another 25 years." than a TGI Friday or Best Buy or a massive office complex. What we have before us, plan wise, is simply put, a triumph of ignorance and mediocrity and the end result of a massive corporation steamrolling over the people who have to live with the project long after the developer is gone.

  2. Amen to Unknown.

    I didn't move to the city to live in the suburbs.

    I want world class development and I"m willing to wait for it.

    Also...who cares if we end up with nothing at McMillan...just read the "Blossoming Bloomingdale article" on this blog (just posted) and ask yerself: If we bring a whole shitload of crappy big box stores into the neighborhood, what will become of all our cool, funky local businesses? I like the way the neighborhood is going. I don't care if McMIllan stays a desolate weed ridden field for another 20 years if in the end it becomes a great park once people wake up and see the light. All the better. Once a shitty development is there, then it's there to stay and we all have to pay the price of no parking, heavy traffic, suburbanites looking for Crate and Barrel, increased crime, and flooding. Let's be happy with what we have...we have a great deal as it is. Relax, you'll eventually get your grocery store.

  3. In case you are interested, the meeting did not last three hours, but over two, on a beautiful November afternoon. I am not sure what an update on McMillan from VMP had to do with this special meeting and the resolution, but VMP did have a few updates that seemed to be in response to the HPRB hearings. ANC Chair Edwards also presented his view of the process.

    Ultimately, the resolution of No Confidence passed overwhelmingly by the Bloomingdale Civic Association.
