
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

a Florida Avenue NW resident also receives a claim denial letter: "I'm out over $10,000"

This Email, also sent last night, is from a Bloomingdale Florida Avenue NW resident:

I too received a denial claim....well I did on behalf of my tenant who was only trying to get less than $400.00 in damages for his total for renovating the unit to make it livable again was $4200.00 and the backflow preventer is $5200.00 and the scope to check my pipes was $350.00 so I'm out over $10,000 for a problem not of my making. 
I can't imagine that you thought no one would say anything when these denial notices came through. Its clearly your problem and the fact that DC Water is ignoring the hardships people have gone through behind these floods is shameful.

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