
Thursday, December 13, 2012

A Night of Food & Music to Raise Money for Toys for DC Kids - Saturday, 12-15-2012

See this event announcement from Bloomingdale resident Jason Mogavero:

This Saturday, December 15: Food and Music for DC Kids.

Hello, everyone!

There's a community center down the street from my house called the World Missions Extension Center. It's run by Dr. Joann Perkins, an incredible lady who does a lot of good for Bloomingdale and for the entire District of Columbia. Most recently, the Extension Center gave out almost half a thousand turkeys to needy families for Thanksgiving.

Now, the Extension Center is raising funds and collecting toys for children in the DC area who need them the most. To that end, the crew at 1728 1st St. NW will be hosting a benefit event to raise money for this cause! 

Pat Walsh will be cooking a multi-course Italian family-style dinner. If you've had Pat's food before, you know how excited you should be, and if you haven't, get excited. Also, there will be live music! Andrew "E.R. Watt" Kilpatrick (Bloomingdale's finest fake folk weirdo), Abby Schaffer (aka Abby Nightingale, jazz chanteuse extraordinaire), Southern Problems (an excellent band! check them out!) and Jack on Fire (the gorgeous and talented Kristof Aldenderfer on drums and yours truly on guitar and vocals, making our debut and most certainly playing a cover of this song) will be performing in our front room.

A flyer for the thing is below, if you'd like to forward it to anyone you think would be interested. Suggested donation is $15-20. I repeat: fifteen or twenty bucks, and you get a fantastic meal from Pat Walsh, four musical acts, and you'll be helping to make kids in DC really happy this holiday season.

We hope to see you there! Love,

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