
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Dr. joAnn Perkins Christmas message + World Missions year-end report

See this Tuesday, 12/25/2012 message from World Missions Extension Center's Dr. joAnn Perkins:

Merry Christmas DC and our Ward 5 Bloomingdale Community.
Today is Christmas and we have so much to celebrate, just being alive, and honoring our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for being the reason for the SEASON.  We pause a moment to say in spite of who you are or who you are not, the reality of being alive takes precedence over worry and complaining for such traits are only depressing.  As I reflect upon this year, I want again to say thanks to each of you, for helping us to do what we do Best, serving and helping people.  And for many of you who were present with us at the toy give away rally, we say on behalf of the 450 families present,( and this number does not include the count for the kids present), we say thanks for sharing your time, gifts and talents with the kids.  
Enjoy your day.  Attached for your information is our end of the year report which shares some of the highlights undertaken this year.

Dr. J. Perkins, World Missions

Here is the year-end report:

1720 First Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C.  20001
202.387.3082 (V)
202.234.4818 (F)

December 22, 2012
Dear FRIEND & Partners:
On behalf of our Board of Directors and Parent Family Life Center , we acknowledge  and thank our Partners and FRIENDS, for their generosity in helping us with our Toy Drive. And as indicated in this report, we share the following highlights from this year’s program development  activities which were undertaken this year to accomplish our mission of providing educational training services which positively impact lives of children, youth and families living in inner-city neighborhoods. Such accomplishment include sponsoring rallies, programs and partnering with agencies throughout the city providing services which impact an even greater number of children, youth and families living predominantly in Ward 5 and other parts of the city.  

  • On April 28th, we sponsored our annual Walk-a- thon to raise awareness about the EXTENSION Center;
  • On June23rd  at the Scholarship Awards Ceremony, Paula Thomas from McKinley Technology High School and Victory Belts from Perry Street Preparatory Public Charter School were awarded   a Melissa B. Perkins Scholarship  to go to college;
  • On August 25th at the Back to School Rally, provided Backpacks (filled with School supplies) to 635 children and youth returning back to School and 465 parents received vouchers to purchase uniforms for their children;
  • On November 17th  at the Thanksgiving Rally, 450 families received Thanksgiving   Baskets;
Positive Alternative Skill Building Youth Mentoring Program:
  • During the summer the EXTENSION Center worked with over 100 youth at two different sites as a part of its Partnership with the Department of Employment Services and its Skill Building Mentoring Positive Alternatives Youth Employment/Job Readiness  Program for youth ages 14 to 21 years of age.  
Community Partnerships:
  • Partners with the  Department of Human Services Chaplain’s Office in providing  resources and spiritual guidance  for youth incarcerated at both New Beginnings located in Laurel Md. and the Youth Services Agency located in DC.
  • Partners with 12 community shelters(including Thrive and the Ernestine Abuse Foundation)  to provide Resources to women and children living in shelters throughout the city;
  • Partners with the Metropolitan Police Department and St. Albans in providing resources to the most challenging Families in DC;
  • Partners with the DC Children and Youth Investment Trust Corporation in successfully establishing its twenty first Century Parent Family Life Center which was evaluated by an outside evaluation team and findings were exceptionally positive sustaniating its effectiveness in empowering parents with skills  which are profoundly improving the relationship and communication between parents with their children.  
~EXTENSION Center’s Special Accomplishments~
  • Working with the Center for Student Ministries hosted various mission groups visiting DC.
  • Working with the Department of Mental Health, the EXTENSION Center has sponsored multiple Suicide Prevention, and  Stress Management sessions that are designed to promote longevity and healthy life styles for incarcerated youth, inner-city children, families, pastors, parents, and other service providers.
  • Working as the Department of Human Services Chaplain’s office Community Liaison Department, the Just FRIENDS Support Group  has provided resources and volunteers and other direct services which have benefited incarcerated youth  and staff  at both Youth Services Center and New Beginnings  Detention Rehabilitative Services .
  • Working with such agencies as the North Capital Collaborative, the DC Children and Youth Investment Trust Corporation, the Department of Mental Health, Schools and Churches, the EXTENSION has provided resources that have benefited both the community and its surrounding area.

The above stellar reflections are just a few of the numerous accomplishments that have resulted this year, from working with our partners and friends.
In closing, as we now prepare for next year, we ask that you keep us in your prayers and ask that you consider partnering with us by supporting our efforts each month by sending a tax deductible donation which will allow us to increase the services that we provide to inner-city KIDZ, incarcerated youth, families living in shelters and the community.
Enjoy your day, and we say a special thanks to all of the volunteers and our exceptionally gifted team of faithful friends, the Bloomingdale neighbors and its local businesses, and others thanks for sharing their time and resources with us in making this rally a success for the children who benefited from the many gifts donated/ purchased for the children and youth who will be the recipients of the toys that will be disbursed today, I say thanks to each of you. 

Dr. JoAnn Perkins, Chief Executive Officer/President
World Missions Inner-city EXTENSION Center Inc. 

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