
Saturday, December 15, 2012

drop off a toy today at World Missions for its Saturday, 12-22-2012 Toy GiveAway

See this message from yesterday, Friday, 12/14/2012, from World Missions' Dr. joAnn Perkins:
Hello Bloomingdale Neighbors, withless than a week left before the December 22nd Toys Give Away, its still not to late to drop off a new toy by World Missions on this Sat.  
We would also like to challenge our bike riders to donate bikes for the kids who are in our community mentoring book club.  Our goal is to obtain 15 additional  bikes between now and the  Toy give Away Rally.  This week is our goal to obtain 15 bikes as a part of our Bike-A-Thon drive which is designed to obtain encentive bikes for the kids who are in our bookclub mentoring program.   
On another note, are there persons who can help us put together some bikes on this Sat, we need you.  We will meet at the church at 10:00am (and you will need to bring your tools) to help assemble the bikes that we have obtained so far.   
And we want to  also say that on say that on this Sat,  you can drop off a gife for our toy drive as well between the hours of 10:00am to 2:00pm. 
We are also working on entertainment for the kids who will be at the rally, if you would like to volunteer, or if you can do face painting, be a clown, or would like to help out, this would be great, for doing stuff like this is what makes us community.  Please email me to let me know if you would like to volunteer or would like to be a part of the entertainment crew for the kiddies. 
Ok thanks again for all of the support and we look forward to seeing you and your family on Saturday we we assemble bikes in preparation for the December 22nd Toy Give Away Rally. 

World Missions Christmas Write Up 2012
World Missions 2012 Christmas Flier

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