
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

GGW mentions recent Big Bear Cafe "zoning fight"

The recent decision to grant the Big Bear Cafe property its pursued zoning change from R-4 to C-2-A is mentioned in a post at the Greater Greater Washington blog today.

Hill East changes tune on commercial strip

Here is the reference in this post on the DC Zoning rewrite initiative:
Some, like Big Bear Coffee in Bloomingdale, end up occupying buildings that were once commercial but whose zoning is now residential, which sets them up for a big zoning fight when someone objects. More often, neighborhoods just don't get any stores.

See the comment that I posted:

Thankfully, the Big Bear Cafe upzoning fight from R-4 to C-2-A is over. The Big Bear property achieved it pursued zoning change up to C-2-A.
by Scott Roberts on Dec 26, 2012 2:37 pm

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