
Saturday, December 01, 2012

? a new McMillan ANC single member district perhaps ?

The development plans from Vision McMillan Partners of Bloomingdale's McMillan Sand Filtration site include housing.  I am not sure what the total number of residents is estimated to be, based upon the current proposal for the site.  Is it perhaps approaching 2,000 residents?

If so, then we could very well end up with a brand-new ANC single member district of its own.  (Each SMD is supposed to represent approximately 2000 residents.  Go here to read up.)     The new McMillan SMD would not be created until after the next decennial census, however.

And would the new McMillan SMD remain in ANC 5E?

I would hope so.

The map of the ANC 5E single member district boundaries is below for your reference.

Okay, you can all roll over and go back to sleep now. 

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