
Saturday, December 01, 2012

US Postal Service package delivery

See this message from a 1st Street NW resident:

Yesterday I came home to find my package like this. I could see it a half a block away. (if you can't tell, it is barely on the top step - not even close to door) I couldn't believe it was still there! Obviously the carrier didn't knock on door but put it there from a lower step. Guess I need to get more junk mail so they have to always go to box.

Then on the news last night, there was a story about package theft.  UPS says it happens so seldom that they don't keep records. Got a UPS package today and it was behind the wall of the stoop.

1 comment:

  1. Scott you should be concerned. After becoming a victim of parcel theft in 1999 ourselves we decided that we needed to create a receptacle that could receive and protect our parcels being delivered to our home while we were at work. We wanted to be able to shop online without the concern that we would be victimized again. I would like to share with you our solution to protect yourself from being victims of parcel theft. The Elephantrunk Parcel Drop can accept the most commonly sold items online. For more information on The Elephantrunk Parcel Drop by Architectural Mailboxes, please visit our website
    Wishing you successful shopping online, Vanessa Troyer CEO Architectural Mailboxes, LLC
