
Friday, January 11, 2013

Bloomingdale mentioned in New York Times article on DC-area developer Jim Abdo

Washington`s Economic Boom, Financed by You
Published: January 10, 2013

Here is the paragraph that mentions Bloomingdale: 
On the final spot on our tour, Abdo took me to his newest, biggest project. We drove north on North Capitol Street, as if we were driving out of the District, to a shabby and decidedly unhip neighborhood called Brookland. It is a mostly older, mostly lower-middle-class neighborhood, underserved by grocery stores and restaurants and overlooked by many of the young professionals farther south in Bloomingdale or Shaw or Capitol Hill. Abdo was undeterred. He said that Catholic University and the young families nearby needed new places to go, and that hip youngsters were being priced out of neighborhoods downtown. He had already purchased and leased nearly nine acres for a number of apartment buildings with sidewalk cafes and art studios. ``This is going to be an arts walk,`` Abdo said, pulling his car up to point out the hollow building shells.  One building faced a set of train tracks, and he styled the back of the apartment building to look like a factory that had always been there, even though it had only just arrived.


  1. Annie Lowrey is a Bloomingdale resident.

    Yay, Annie!

  2. You should be really proud of having Bloomingdale resident who can so easily and unjustifiably insult a neighborhood just WEST of her own.
