
Monday, January 21, 2013

Bloomingdale resident Peter Pawlowski: double parking on the unit block of T Street NW

From: Peter Pawlowski <>
To: "" <>; Eckington <>
Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2013 1:49 AM
Subject: Unit Block of T ST NW
To those that protect and serve:
Tonight I challenged the double parking on the Unit Block of T ST NW, I took pictures of license plates and I called the police. I was called terrible things because of my skin color and sexual orientation. I was threatened and asked where I lived on T ST NW so corrective actions could be taken. The responding officer William C. Rapp was respectful and helpful however MPO Gary Thompson was condescending and either had issues with me because of my skin color or sexual orientation. I see no place in society for Gary Thompson the man is a bigot. I am tired of the double parking on the unit block of T ST NW and I am tired of the lack of enforcement by DC MPD. I do not care if it has been happening for 20 years I have been fighting it for 10 years. I belive my life has been htreatened by those in St. Martins Church and I request protectionm from them and that the laws of DC are enforced on my street.
Peter Pawlowski

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