
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Eckington Dog Park Association is seeking signatures for its petition in * favor * of a potential dog park at Harry Thomas Rec Center

You've read the message here on the blog about ANC 5E05 Commissioner Joyce Robinson-Paul gathering signatures on petitions * opposing * a potential dog park at Harry Thomas Rec in Eckington.
Now read this other-side-of-the-coin 1/16/2013 message:

A group of residents (the Eckington Dog Park Association) is asking DPR to set aside a small portion of land as they redesign the grounds of the Harry Thomas Rec Center as part of the Play DC program.  There are no immediate plans to build the dog park.  Rather, the EDPA is asking only that some land be noted as the potential site for a future dog park.  
We are seeking signatures to add to our petitio n in favor.  
Please email if you are interested in signing our petition in favor of the potential future development of a dog park on the grounds of the Harry Thomas Rec Center. 
Eckington Dog Park Association.


  1. Great news! I've emailed to sign the petition in favor and I hope many others do too.

  2. Also please 'like' the Eckington Dog Park Association page!
