
Thursday, January 17, 2013

Eckington resident Ileana Schinder calling for supporters for a potential dog park on the grounds of the Harry Thomas Rec Center

See this post from the Ward 5 list at Yahoogroups from Eckington resident Ileana Schinder:
ANC 5E05 Commissioner Joyce Robinson-Paul is gathering signatures on petitions opposing a potential dog park at Harry Thomas Rec in Eckington.
A group of residents (the Eckington Dog Park Association) is asking DPR to set aside a small portion of land as they redesign the grounds of the Harry Thomas Rec Center as part of the PlayDC program. There are no immediate plans to build the dog park. Rather, the EDPA is asking only that some land be noted as the potential site for a future dog park. 
Please email if you are interested in signing our petition in favor of the potential future development of a dog park on the grounds of the Harry Thomas Rec Center
More information can be found in the links below.


I am not sure why Ms Robison Paul, who doesn't represent the Eckington Community would oppose an amenity that would benefit Eckington residents and wouldn't affect her constituents.
Anywho, feel free to spread the word and email the interested parties to make sure the Dog Park gets your support (or not).

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