
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

invitation to participate in moveDC, a multimodal long-range transportation plan for the District -- Saturday, 02-09-2013

ANC 5E08 Commissioner Mark Mueller has asked that this event announcement get posted:
From: "Deborah Cordell" <>
Date: Jan 30, 2013 9:55 AM
Subject: We Need Your Help to Move DC
To: <>

Dear Advisory Neighborhood Commissions,

We need to hear from residents, workers, and visitors of the District and we would greatly appreciate your help to spread the word!

The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) recently announced moveDC, a collaborative planning effort to develop a Multimodal Long Range Transportation Plan for the District. MoveDC will bring together transit, rail, vehicular, bicycle, pedestrian, and freight recommendations into one seamless, district-wide transportation plan. This plan is scheduled to be completed in 2014. It’s time to get DC moving.

To kick off the study, a transportation planning Idea Exchange is scheduled for February 9, 2013.  ecause public involvement is a significant component of the study, we are asking for your support to maximize our outreach by sharing the information provided with your groups.   Event details are included in the attached news release, flyer and the email notification below for you to share.  We have also attached materials in Spanish.

Help us spread the message:
  • Send the flyer and email messages to your email groups.
  • Create a Web link to our website (
  • Spread the word socially:
    1. Facebook:
    2. Twitter:
  • Post information on your website (news release and flyer attached) and RSS Feed
  • Use our press release for newsletter articles
  • Post the event date on your event calendar

Please keep us informed of the outreach steps you are able to complete so that we can include in the outreach summary and call if you have any questions or suggestions for further outreach.


Thank you,

Deborah Cordell (on behalf of DDOT)
moveDC Planning Team


Let’s Get DC Moving! You’re invited to a Transportation Idea Exchange

Join us for the moveDC Idea Exchangea family-friendly event, hosted by the District Department of Transportation (DDOT). This is your opportunity to share ideas and experiences about transportation and life in DC. Whether you drive, bike, use transit or walk, this event will offer informative and interactive activities for everyone to develop a bold, new transportation vision for the District.

moveDC is a collaborative planning effort to develop a Multimodal Long Range Transportation Plan for the District. The moveDC plan will include recommendations to coordinate bus, rail, vehicular, bicycle, pedestrian, and freight for the current and next generation of residents, workers, and visitors. Visit www.wemoveDC.orgfor the latest information, to submit ideas, and to sign up for our email list.

Mark your calendars to attend and invite your friends and family!

What: moveDC Transportation Idea Exchange

When: Saturday, February 9, 2013
9:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. (Transportation Fair, drop in anytime)
10:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. (City Leader Welcome)
11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. (Future of Transportation Panel Discussion)
Drop-in anytime or stay all day!
Learn more about the activities online.

Where: Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Library
901 G St. N.W.
WashingtonDC 20001

Get there:
Bicyclists: Bike racks are available outside the main entrance on G St.
Bikeshare: Kiosks at G and 12th Streets, NW and H and 8th Streets, NW
Circulator: Georgetown-Union Station Route at K and 9th Streets NW
Metrorail: Metro Center Station (Blue, Orange and Red Lines)  Gallery Place/Chinatown Station (Green, Red and Yellow Lines)
Metrobus: Visit
Parking: Handicap-accessible: G Street in front of the library in designated spaces.Off-street: 997 G Place NW720 10th Street NW, and 701 8th Street NW

Can’t make it? We still want to hear from you.
Read materials on and share your thoughts. Over the next year there will be many opportunities to participate at meetings and online.

Do you need assistance to participate?For those who need special accommodations or language assistance services (translation or interpretation), please contact Jordyne Blaise, Office of Civil Rights, 202-671-5117 by February 6, 2013. These services will be provided free of charge.

Stay Connected Online


moveDC Team

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