
Saturday, January 12, 2013

"McDuffie urges President Obama to place 'Taxation Without Representation' on the presidential limo"

From: "Jackson Jr, Darrell (Council)" 
Sent: Friday, January 11, 2013 5:22 PM
Subject: McDuffie Urges President Obama to Place "Taxation Without Representation" On The Presidential Limo

Darrell Jackson
(202) 724-8028

For Immediate Release: January 11, 2013
McDuffie Urges President Obama to Place “Taxation Without Representation” On The Presidential Limo
Today, Councilmember Kenyan R. McDuffie (D – Ward 5) joined his Council colleagues to urge President Obama to place the District of Columbia’s “Taxation Without Representation” license plates on the presidential limousines. 
In 2000, the District made “Taxation Without Representation” the official license plate motto to call attention to the District’s lack representation in Congress. This week, the Council passed an emergency Sense of the Council Resolution encouraging President Obama to start using the tag in time for the inaugural parade on January 21.
Councilmember McDuffie offered the following statement on the issue:
“The District of Columbia’s residents pay taxes and are held accountable to federal laws, but we do not have a vote in Congress. I am pleased that President Obama is reportedly supportive of voting rights for District residents. Displaying the “Taxation Without Representation” tags would demonstrate his support and help increase awareness about the District’s second-class status.
“I stand with my colleagues and ask that the President place the “Taxation Without Representation” plates on the presidential limousine. Additionally, I urge President Obama to do it prior to the inauguration, so millions of Americans will be able to grasp the reality faced by the residents of the District of Columbia.”

Darrell Jackson, Jr.
Communications Director
Office of Councilmember Kenyan R. McDuffie, Ward 5
Chairman Pro Tempore
Chair, Committee on Government Operations
1350 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Suite 506
Washington, DC 20004
202.355.4257 (mobile)

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