
Tuesday, January 01, 2013

seeking advice about a possibly dying alley cat on the unit block of R Street NW

See this 01/01/2013 message:
I'm concerned about an alley cat that i think is dying.
I'm trying to find out if anyone knows about an alley cat that's been around for awhile on the unit block of R St NW. My neighbor used to feed him but then moved away, and since then I've seen him only occasionally strolling on the unit block of R St NW where I live. I had assumed someone else was feeding him since he's pretty plump. The other day I saw him limping down the sidewalk, his rear leg completely damaged, and since then have seen him virtually immobile in front of an unoccupied house at 55 R St. I can't tell if he's dying or dead, just lying there. My question is, have any of you been feeding him and wondering where he is? The other question is, if nobody knows about this cat, what steps should I take to have him either rescued or removed?
He is an all-grey cat with very green eyes, rather large male, and not easily approachable.


  1. Neighbors can reach out to me directly, as I help out with the trap-neuter-return programs run by the Washington Humane Society and Washington Animal Rescue League. I'm headed over to 55 R Street right now to see if he's there.

  2. I have been feeding this cat day and night since his owners abandoned him/her last year. I was talking to one of my neighbors last night and I agreed to capture her and take her to a vet. My neigbor saw her last night, but I have not seen her at all today. I saw her to believe that her name is Christine. Please let me know if you have captured her and her wherabouts.

    1. My neighbor abandoned what I thought was a male cat, since he called the cat Cat Daddy, around November. The neighbor's basement tenant then told me the neighbor had never owned it but was just feeding it and occasionally letting it in. I thought it had disappeared until I saw it the other day limping really badly, then looking completely limp and immobile the night before yesterday, so I posted here and Elle put us in touch with WHS who gave us the number of ACO. He's at the NY Avenue facility since 8pm last night, brought there by Officer Martel. I'm glad you were feeding the cat all this time, I did not know about that. He was picked up from the sidewalk in front of 59 R St.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Yes, that's her/him. :-) So much for listening to my neighbor. Anyway, I called WHS. I'm hoping that they will fix his leg, neuter him, give him shots & flea treatment and Ireturn thim to me. I have been working with him for months now and trying to figure out how to capture him so I could bring him indoors for the winter. I contyacted WHS I'm waiting to hear from them.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. In response to a call by concerned neighbors, the Washington Humane Society picked up the cat yesterday evening and took him to the New York Avenue shelter for treatment. He had an abscess on his knee which was drained, and he's starting pain meds and antibiotics to deal with the infection.

      However, shelter space is limited, and the WHS are looking for a temporary foster home (approximately two weeks) where he can be observed and medicated. Please get in touch if you can help!

    2. Hey Elle! I live on R street and I would happily give Cat Daddy a foster home for a couple of weeks. He's visited our porch to say hi to our own cat, so my roommates and I have a soft spot for him. Poor guy!

    3. I've been taking care of him and will give him a home.

    4. Karla, can you message me directly via my profile so that I can give you an update on his treatment plan?
