
Monday, January 14, 2013

WCP City Desk: "two men attacked Sunday evening, 01-13-2013, at 3rd & Q St NW in anti-gay hate crime"

See this post at the Washington City Paper website from a few hours ago:

Two Men Attacked in Anti-Gay Hate Crime

Two men were attacked Sunday night in Shaw in what is being considered an anti-gay hate crime, according to a police department spokesman.
Two men walking near 3rd and Q streets NW were approached around 6:08 p.m. Sunday by three people, according to Metropolitan Police Department Officer Paul Metcalf. The three made anti-gay remarks before one suspect punched both victims. Both men refused medical treatment after the attack.
Details of the crime first surfaced earlier today on PoPville, where an email from one of the victims described being pursued by one assailant on a bike.
As soon as we crossed third street on to Q, we heard the young male and his friends who were all hanging out at the church nearby yelling “fags.” We ignored them and kept walking on the sidewalk down Q st. Then, one of the kids – a young black male (mini afro, mid-dark brown complexion, a tight smooth face, and a black jacket) – rode his bike passed us and repeated “fags” again.
Police are investigating the attack as a hate crime, according to Metcalf. One suspect is described as a 17-to-19-year-old black male with a medium complexion and black jacket, wearing a black jacket. The second suspect was a woman, while police have no info on the third suspect.

...and here is the WJLA TV report on this incident.

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