
Friday, February 08, 2013

call for volunteers for Crispus Attucks Park winter clean-up day -- Saturday, 02-23-2013

See this message from Molly Scott:

Hello CADC Volunteers!
I hope everyone is doing well and having a good winter.
Believe it or not there are some things to be done out in the park--even in the Winter! Please join us on Saturday, February 23rd at 9:30 am for a quick Park clean-up (3-4 hours MAX). We have grasses to cut back, roses to prune (bring protective clothing!) and general sprucing up to do to make the Park bloom its best in the Spring 
We will have some tools and gloves, etc, but if you have shears, pruners, trimmers, loppers or other instruments of destruction, please bring them! Trash bags are also always helpful.
I will try to make sure there are some treats for volunteers--maybe baked goods? 
Thanks as always for your help--the Park appreciates it!
Molly Scott

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