
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

LeDroit Park / Bloomingdale Heritage Trail poster pin-up session - Tuesday, 03-12-2013

See this message from LeDroit Park resident Robert Sullivan: 
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2013 3:44 PM
Subject: LeDroit Park / Bloomingdale Heritage Trail
After several delays, and much hard work, the LeDroit Park/Bloomingdale Heritage Trail is nearly complete and ready for your review.
Please join us Tuesday, March 12 at 7 pm at St. George's Episcopal Church (Second and U Streets, NW) for a poster pin-up session. We will display poster proofs of all 16 Heritage Trail signs, fronts and backs, for your review. This is your opportunity to help us fact-check, spell-check, and get it as close to perfect as we can.
These are the signs that will be installed on our streets in both LeDroit Park and Bloomingdale, and we think it's important that you see what will be on the signs, and where they will be installed. It makes no difference if you've been in the neighborhood for 40 years, or just moved in last week – we want to know what you think.
The posters will be displayed in the basement of St. George's from 7 to 9 pm on Tuesday, March 12. We hope you can join us.
For more information about DC's Heritage Trails:
Thanks.Robert Sullivan

1 comment:

  1. I am curious. Do these heritage trail signs tell about the full history of Bloomingdale and Ledroit Park, or just the last 40 years? This area was developed over 110 years ago and has a broad history that should not be forgotten. I hope that all the hard work of the committee to make this trail accurate, accurately represents the full history of the area and not only a select period of time.
