
Thursday, February 07, 2013

response from the Ward 5 Heartbeat regarding Bertha Holliday's claim that the "Heartbeat story was in error"

Recall the Tuesday, 02-05-2012 Bloomingdale Neighborhood blog post titled “BerthaHolliday requests reinstatement for Aroi Thai and Red Hen protests” ?
And recall that Dr. Holliday provided the response of “the Ward 5 Heartbeat story was in error” ?
See this subsequent response from Abigail Padou, editor of the Ward 5 Heartbeat:

Dear Dr. Holliday (and Bloomingdale readers)
I read on Scott Roberts' blog that you believe erroneous information was posted on the Ward 5 Heartbeat website about your matter before the ABC Board.  I just wanted to get in touch with you to assure you that the information posted on the website came directly from the ABC Board's official published agenda (please see attached). I would hate for you to think Ward 5 Heartbeat posts erroneous information, which is certainly not the case!
Ward 5 Heartbeat posts all ABC Board matters pertaining to Ward 5 on its website. In doing so, I make the assumption that the official information published by the Board is correct.  If, however, it is not, I am sure the Board will post a correction or acknowledgement if you contact them.  Once they do, I will certainly update the Ward 5 Heartbeat website with the corrected information.
As always, feel free to contact me directly by phone or email if you have any questions or concerns about Ward 5 Heartbeat content.
Scott-if you could post this reply to Ms. Holliday's comments on your website, I would greatly appreciate it.
Kind regards,
Abigail Padou

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