
Friday, February 08, 2013

Teri Janine Quinn: armed robberies at & near the G2 bus stop at 3rd and R St NW

From: Quinn, Teri Janine (ANC 5E06) <>
Date: Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 11:19 AM
Subject: RE: Armed robberies!!!
I just left yet another victim, a resident of our SMD (5E06), at the intersection of 3rd & R Streets, NW. Apparently she was standing or walking at or near the bus stop when a black male in his early 20s (yes, I know that description us not helpful but it happened quickly and this is the best information available) ran by a snatched her iPhone. She gave chase and he ran down the alley where he turned and revealed a gun.  The resident stopped and the assailant ran through the alley and turned (I believe on 4th Street) where he encountered another woman and while displaying the gun told her to give him her phone. He them said ``Oh, you`re just a kid`` and ran off without the phone. A Metro officer just happened to drive by immediately after the incident and was quickly flagged down. The assailant has not been found but the police are trying to track the phone (one of the officers present noted that she has successfully tracked an iPhone in the past).
Chad is correct, in that being aware of your surroundings is critical. In fact, at the last Bloomingdale Civic Association, Bates Area Civic Association and ANC 5E06 single member district meetings, 5th District MPD officers were present and relayed the same advice. During most of the time that I was on the scene with the officers and the resident, we observed a woman who stood at the bus stop with her eyes glued to her phone. I think it is safe to assume that she felt safer with so many officers nearby, but as one of the officers noted to me, these are crimes of opportunity and we must be alert when we are out and about. One other thing I have found to be useful is to greet people while maintaining eye contact when you see someone approaching, especially if you feel uneasy.
Last night, I was just speaking with a neighbor form LeDroit Park who was recently held up at gunpoint in that neighborhood and she indicated that in her follow up discussions with police officers they indicated that they have seen a significant uptick in this kind of daylight robberies in and around our area. The officers I met with today said the same and the resident involved in this most recent incident incident said she witnessed a similar incident near Logan Circle within the last couple weeks. I think many of us are aware of the recent daytime home invasions but I do not believe that most residents realize that we are experiencing a significant increase in the number of daytime armed robberies. I need your help in making sure that our neighbors understand that people are being robbed at gunpoint during the day in and around our neighborhood. Many of our neighbors do not use the internet or are not on these listservs/distribution lists. As such, in addition to passing the word along via email, I need your help to get the word out via word of mouth. Each one, reach one (or a few!).
During the Mayor`s State of the District address he noted the District program as a way to remove the incentive for criminals to steal cell phones. Here`s a description of how Brick It works:
``If a person`s smart phone is lost or stolen, he or she may now contact the carrier and ask to have that device remotely disabled. If a smart phone is rendered inactive in such a manner, it`s often considered to be as useful as a ``brick.`` These ``bricked`` phones are of little use to thieves because they can`t be reactivated after being sold on the black market. The MPD is encouraging victims of smart phone thefts to call their carriers and to ``brick it`` in an effort to deter smart phone theft.
By bricking your phone, you will permanently disable your device and help us eliminate the black market for stolen smart phones.  We can reduce robberies by eliminating the reason criminals steal smart phones in the first place!``
Visit the Brick It website for more information.
Chad, thank you for spreading the word about the incident on 7th Street. I`ve cc`d Scott Roberts, who handles the Bloomingdale listserv, and Geovani Bonilla, for distribution to Bates residents. In addition, I have also included the Mayor`s Liaison for Ward 5, Marchim Williams, Councilmember McDuffie, Commander Solberg and Captain Beach as they may wish to provide additional information.
Teri Janine Quinn
Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner, 5E06

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