
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

5D Commander Solberg: "Bloomingdale incidents"

From: "Solberg, Andrew (MPD)" <>
To: "Fifth District (" <>
Cc: "Griffin, Randy (MPD)" <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 9:41 AM
Subject: [MPD-5D] Bloomingdale incidents
As we learn more about recent incidents in Bloomingdale, I and others are receiving other reports from other individuals who say that they have run into this same (apparently) group of young boys and girls in the neighborhood, and that they have been assaulted or threatened.  It seems likely that not all events have been reported to us at the MPD.
I am therefore asking that if anyone has been a victim of any activity or knows about anything assaults or other activity committed in the area by groups of kids they get in touch with us.
Lieutenant Randy Griffin is the supervisor for all MPD efforts in PSA 501, and I ask that you use him as your point of contact if you have information we can use.  His email address is included here.
I also was in contact last night with Cmdr. Jacob Kishter of the Third District, and he reports that in 3D there have been similar incidents.  We will work together so that all MPD efforts have a centrally focused point of contact.
3D and 5D share a border along 2nd Street, NW, and in the Monday night incident where we stopped several young girls, we learned that they live in the 200 block of W Street, NW, which is in the Third District.
We remind everyone again to please call 911 to report any type of criminal or suspicious behavior so that we can take the appropriate steps.
Thank you,
Andy Solberg
Commander, 5D

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